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Grange Primary School Kilkeel
Grow yourself, Know yourself: Children's Mental Health Week: The more we can understand about ourselves, the more prepared we are to express our emotions and take on life's ups and downs.
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Autumn Walk 🍁

24th Oct 2023

The weather was very much on the side of Primary 1 and Primary 2/3 as they left school on a bus to Kilbroney Park for their annual Autumn Walk on Monday morning.  They had been learning lots in World Around Us about signs of Autumn and participated in a treasure hunt where they had to find different leaves, seeds, nuts and even a squirrel! After a yummy treat they ventured back into Narnia to make ‘magic wands’ with lots of the crunchy leaves that had fallen to the ground. No trip to Kilbroney is complete without a turn at the play park before returning back to school just in time for lunch.

A super morning out!