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Grange Primary School Kilkeel


2022/2023 School Year

17th Nov 2022
Primary 2 and 3 have been using their ABCs to learn about road safety. ...
16th Nov 2022
Congratulations to Emily and Annie who are winners in the Kilkeel Credit Union poster...
16th Nov 2022
Today we presented a cheque for £127 to Danielle from Mourne Stimulus.  The...
15th Nov 2022
The school are delighted to be able to donate so many shoe boxes to Blythswood Shoe...
14th Nov 2022
We welcome two new members, Cara and Enya to our Eco Team. The whole team look forward...
14th Nov 2022
Thank you so much to everyone who brought in unused clothes and materials for...
11th Nov 2022
The boys and girls had a fun morning experimenting with how heat can change things....
11th Nov 2022
Today we wore our Woolly Hats to school and raised £124 for a local charity...
11th Nov 2022
The boys and girls experimented with Autumn colours today . They mixed paints to...